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East Woodhay & Highclere Neighbourcare

01635 745600


getting to a medical appointment at the surgery or hospital?


Do You Need Help?

Call our team on the number above or
Complete the form via the Get Help button:

We assist anyone living in or around Ashmansworth, Crux Easton, East Woodhay, Highclere, Penwood or Woolton Hill.

Could You Help?

Could you spare time to become a volunteer driver as part of the team that drive local people to appointments?

Ask about joining our team by calling the number above, or just donate below.

Who Are We?

East Woodhay & Highclere Neighbourcare is a voluntary organisation supporting local people.  We are part of the Good Neighbours Network which is an initiative of the Council for Social Responsibility

(Charity No 1145162).

Wondering what we mean by 'local'? Here is a map. 

‘Helping our neighbours for over 30 years’

Site design by, 2023

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